Sunday, September 29, 2013

Last Message from the Philippines

My time in the Philippines is almost over and I wanted to share a few more things that I have learned and seen.

Hinulugang Taktak National Park
Hinulugang Taktak is the most famous waterfall nearest to Metro Manila.

I have enjoyed all the different ways I have been able to travel.  The most common ways of travel here are walking, motorcycle, bus, rail transit system (like an above ground subway), trike, or jeepney.  The two forms of transportation I used the most were the trike and jeepney. The trike is a motorcycle with a cart attached to it.  Most trikes fit six people plus the driver; it is a very tight fit.  A jeepney is a type of bus.  They are painted with all kinds of different things, usually play really loud music, and have colorful lights inside and out.  There are cars here, but most people take the public transportation or ride a motorcycle.

Here the currency is called piso.  As of right now the exchange rate is 43 Piso = $1.00.  So let’s see if you can figure out how much each of these items are in American currency.
Bag of Skittles – P48.00
A ride on a trike – P8.00                                            
A pair of jeans – P695.00
A donut at Dunkin Donuts – P20.00
A 16.9oz bottle of Mountain Dew – P54.00
A Quarter Pounder Meal at McDonalds – P195.00

I will be leaving Manila, Philippines on October 1st.  I will be flying to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  Then I will take a train to Kuala Lipis, Pahang, Malaysia where I will be staying for the month.  So get to work on learning about Malaysia!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Loving the Where in the World is Ms. Waller? display at Audubon Elementary.  I can't wait to see it grow as you all learn more about the countries I will be visiting.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Taal Volcano

My Pictures from Taal Volcano

Taal Volcano is in the middle of lake.

 We took boats across the lake to get to the volcano.

Many people live in the middle of the lake.  Can you find out why?

 Looking inside of the volcano.  There is a hot spring inside the volcano.   
What is a hot spring?

 Looking back towards the lake from the top of the Volcano.  It took us about 45 minutes to climb to the top.

We hiked up the west side of the volcano.

I hope you like all the pictures!  
I would still like to know if you learned anything about Taal Volcano.

Question Answers

Hi Third Grade Eagle Enrichment!  It is so great to get a message from you all and be able to answer your questions.  Here are my answers and some pictures to go along.

1. Where do you sleep? In your tent?  Luckily this month I am not sleeping in my tent.  We are stay in a very nice building with beds and bathrooms.  I am sharing my room with the other four girls on my team.  The biggest difference from home is that we do not have air conditioners; instead we just keep the windows open and have fans to keep us cool.

2. What is the weather like?  It is rainy season here in the Philippines.  So, that means it rains at some point everyday.  When it is not raining it is very hot and humid, a lot like Louisiana in the summer.  We are experience really heavy rain right now because there is a typhoon in the ocean between China and the Philippines.
Questions: What is a typhoon? Is it like a hurricane?

3. Have you made new friends in Manila? I have been meeting and making many new friends in Manila.  The pictures below are of some of the students I have been tutoring at the local school and playing with at a children’s home.  I have also included a picture of my team at the top of the second picture.  My team is who came with me from the United States and will be staying with me through out the trip. 

4. Are you learning another language?   The language in the Philippines is Tagalog.  I have not had to learn a lot of the language because many of the people here speak English.  It is a beautiful language and I love listening to the people speak.  A girl in the second grade named Viance did share with me a few words so that I could share them with you.  Now luckily you have three teachers at Audubon that are from the Philippines and I bet they know Tagalog.

Thank you for the questions and please keep them coming!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hi Everyone!

I have made it to the Philippines!  It only took about 20 hours to get here.  I am staying in Manila which is the capital of the Philippines. It is a very big city, the second largest in the Philippines.  Can someone find out which city is the largest city in the Philippines?

It has been hard getting use to the time change.  I am now thirteen hours ahead of you, so while you are all at school I am sleeping.  

Tomorrow (Tuesday) I am going to take a trip to see the Taal Volcano.  I hope that you all can help me learn about this volcano.  I know that I might learn a lot tomorrow, but I am thinking you can all tell me a lot more.  So, let me know what you can find out about the Taal Volcano.

Can't wait to hear from you all and share my pictures from the volcano!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I want your help!

I am Ms. Waller and have been teaching at Audubon Elementary for the past six years.  This year however I have decided to take an adventure to see 11 countries.  On this trip I will be working in schools, orphanages, and with in many different types of communities.    

When deciding to take this trip I knew that I would want to share it with my Audubon Elementary family.  So, I need all of your help!  I am going to list all the countries I will be visiting below and I want you to help me learn about each one.

I would like you all to help me discover important information I should know about each country and places I should visit.  It is then my hope that I will be able to visit at least one or two of the places you learn about and send back pictures and facts to share.  Also, I want to share with you all about the people I met and the places I will be living in for the next 11 months.

So here are the 11 countries…

Please join me on this adventure!  Leave comments, ask questions, and tell me all about what you are learning.