Thursday, December 5, 2013


This month my team and I volunteered in a coffee shop practicing and teaching conversational English in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  Many people in Vietnam want to learn English and they are looking for foreigners to practice with. 


Sprained Ankle
The big news this month was that I sprained my ankle and had to go to the hospital.  The international hospitals are very nice and you can even get a cheeseburger and fries.  As of right now my ankle is not completely healed, but it is getting better every day.

Ho Chi Minh City is very big and there are lots of people.  They mostly get around on motorbikes.  The traffic here is very different than what I am use to in Baton Rouge.

The best thing I ate was Vietnamese pizza.  It is nothing like American pizza.  It is made with rice paper.  They fry the rice paper and then add egg, cheese, your choice of meat, and other spices.  My best comparison to something I would eat at home is a quesadilla, but thinner and not folded in half.

Fun fact…they have Popeye’s in Vietnam.  I did go and can say that it tastes pretty close to home.

Also, you all know how much I love Dr. Pepper.  Vietnam is the first country I have found it in…I was so happy!

Here the currency is called dong.  As of right now the exchange rate is 21,000 = $1.00.  So let’s see if you can figure out how much each of these items are in American currency.
A Whopper Jr. Meal at Burger King – 88,000 Dong
A can of Coke – 10,000 Dong
A 12 pack of Oreos – 13,000 Dong
A T-shirt – 150,000 Dong

Let’s try a hard one à 
My hospital bill was 3,297,000 Dong

This month I was able to learn a new game called tchoukball. It is very popular in many of the Asian and European countries. Check out the link below to learn more about this game in the USA.  I was only able to play once because of my ankle.  However, I truly enjoyed getting to know the team and watching them play.  It is a great game to help you learn about respect.